Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Job stuff

Another uneventful weekend passed. I did make inroads with the Epcor center, and was emailed for an interview on Friday. I attended the interview yesterday, which went extremely well. I did my research on the company, and obviously had the qualifications to go with, so the guy totally dug me and outright said he wanted to hire me. I did go over my work complications with him, but he seemed optimistic, and said that he thought they could figure something out. I sent him links to everything I found about issuing labor market opinions, and certainly hope that helps my case. I decided that even if the job doesn't pan out, I am going to volunteer there. I need to be doing things that I care about with my time, even if they are not paid. The nice thing is that I would at least be getting free show tix!

Kris booked a plane ticket to come out and visit over Halloween, so that is exciting. He is also renting a car so we can go up and check out the natural beauty further up north, which is exciting as well.

Today, I am going out to lunch with Kristin Smith, a gal who did her MA in art at the U, and has come up to Calgary to do her MFA at the University of Calgary. It'll be fun to swap discussion with another Minnesota gal.

I am not full of things to say right now, as I normally am. I am going to call this post quits.

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