Friday, July 10, 2020

Not Quite Sure Which

But this image caught my attention:

A beacon in a sea of same?

A change to pattern? 

I cannot tell if it is an interruption or a welcomed shift from norm. Not quite sure which.

With something as seemingly trivial as an image like this, it doesn't seem as urgent to determine it's role. With something as daunting and seemingly impossible as figuring out my/ the current world and why it's serving up what it is, it seems far more important to to determine, and far more elusive.

There is sitting and listening.

There is sitting and being distracted. 

Which am I doing at any given time? A little bit of both?

My last post here described my developing understanding of 'fatigue.' I'm realizing perhaps 'fatigue of focus' is also it's own kind.

As much as I wish the opposite, I cannot focus into wringing meaning out of everything all the time. Without pausing to let my hands rest, that wringing cannot be maintained.

So I stare up at the clouds. I cook meals. And then I begin again in wringing meaning out of the seemingly trivial to the seemingly impossible.


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