Friday, July 5, 2024

Seven Habits of a "Highly Effective" Erinn

[A note from the editor (haha): I started writing this on Wednesday night, and revisited it several times between then and when I published it to try and get it to a place that feels solid. Even though Wednesday was a day of big relaxation, it was also a day of big progress, and by the end of all that, my brain felt pretty jubbly (which may have also had to do with being at the end of a couple weeks of flitting around from Melatonin to Magnesium to CBD to Benadryl, in attempts to get to and stay asleep - which worked until it didn't). As a measure of the 'psychological flexibility' I'm working to grow (more on that below), despite my history of 'getting it all out in one sitting' when I write, I opted to set it down then and revisit later. I think the writing below is all the better for it, good evidence that I deserve to offer myself some shifts :)  With that note registered, here's the post.]

Ooooof. Deep breath. Lots of them. I both love and loath this satirical title. 

'Highly Effective.' Something I thought I WAS to my core until anxiety came to get me. While I started experiencing insomnia on occasion in November, it became more frequent and intense in mid-April and has become chronic, which was the trigger for me to seek help. I got access to that help a couple weeks ago, when I started talking with a therapist and a sleep psychologist. Long story short, all signs have pointed to anxiety I've been able to muscle my way through until I couldn't anymore and it broke my sleep.

It's been frustrating to not know WHY the dam broke, but break it has, and now there's some hard work to do in the wake of that. So I'm working hard - not to rebuild the dam, but to find more flexible ways for the currents to pass through. I will say that in talking with my dear friend Jesse today, she helped me realize that the intensification of my insomnia (along with mysteriously developing a B.O. smell when I've never had that before) times perfectly with when I had my IUD removed. MIND. BLOWN. This, paired with the therapist having noted that hormonal changes due to pregnancy can be culprits of anxiety formation, gave me a WHY on Wednesday, and that's feeling really good. A great deal of the pressure that's been building and remaining in my chest in the last couple weeks was released with this revelation. It has definitely snuck back in a bit, but I gained a bit of ability to feel it there, yet also say to it "Hi. I see you, and I understand a little better why you might be there, and that's helping me."

So here, in a return to writing after a couple week break, I take some time to identify and consider what I'm jokingly referring to - as a way to cultivate some fucking levity (!!!) - as the "Seven Habits of a 'Highly Effective' Erinn." It's tongue in cheek, as I feel I'm learning these 'habits' or tendencies are both what pull me down and bring me up. It has been hard for me to learn, while I seek help, that things I like about myself - that feel like part of who I am (like moving a mile a minute) - are also causing me pain. In other words, they kept me "highly effective," until they didn't. As a part of this big process, I'm trying to consider these tendencies as things that need examining rather than extermination, working to negate how they hinder and uplift how they help. I think it will help me say to them "Hi. I see you, and I understand a little better why you might be there, and how you might go from hurting to helping me." So here goes:

  1. Habit - Efficiency: My approach to 'getting things done' has been, for as long as I can remember, moving through them as quickly as possible, in order to have any 'free time' at all. While I have long seen this as efficiency, talking with the therapist I've started seeing has help me come to see that this is also a way I can move around without having to really feel the present. Subconsciously, it's perhaps been a way to stave off anxiety that's now moved from the background to the foreground. The therapist asking me to pick something up at half and quarter speed of how I usually move around really made this clear for me. In the couple weeks since, it has been really helpful for me to ask myself to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. All the time. Is it causing me to get (just a little) less done in a day? Yes. Is it helping? Yes, it feels like it. Interrogating my physical and mental habits is feeling really hard - it feels like it's taking up all of the brain space and time I don't have to dedicate to caring for Niko and keeping myself functioning well enough to manage my work commitments. It also feels like something I NEED to do. I am working toward accepting this not as something that needs to be solved as quickly as possible, but an ongoing project that will take as much time as it needs. A relaxed project, if you will. All of this said, I do believe there is still space for managing my time Efficiently - I just have to learn how to do it without employing the kind of hyper-speed that keeps me from really feeling the present.
  2. Habit - Conscious Consideration: I've long prided myself on being someone who consciously considers what's going on in her mind. I've maintained a pretty consistent journal practice since 8th grade (I've got a whole row of black and white composition notebooks on a shelf in my basement to prove it) as a way to sort it all out and figure out what to do with it all. And this was effective. Until it wasn't. While crying talking about all this during a recent session, the therapist asked if I ever cry while I write. After giving it a little thought, I realized that I NEVER cry when I write, but I cry when talking with people about this (and plenty of other things - I've never been shy about feeling the feels in front of people) ALL. THE. TIME. It seems sorting my thoughts by myself sometimes causes me to logic my way into solutions without feeling my way through what's going on at any give time, which I'm thinking might be contributing to my anxiety. It's been really helpful to realize that, while writing may assist me in thinking logically my through challenges, it does NOT provide an outlet for the emotions that come with. Since realizing this, I've been actively seeking people to talk with about all this, and it's really helping. It seems that Conscious Consideration can remain one of my super-powers, IF it's done both by myself in writing AND verbally with other people.
  3. Habit - Assessing Critically: As I've been working my way through this learning process and coming upon new tools that might be help fun yet challenging for me to employ, my first thoughts have often been things like "Oof. Good luck, Erinn." As much as I consider myself a pretty positive person, I often subconsciously frame things about myself negatively. I think I need to work on harnessing that self-talk toward better ends, critically assessing them and arriving to something more like, with this example, "You've done plenty of hard things and you'll do it again." Assessing Critically imply the application of an objective lens, which can help me strip the negativity away in attempt/s to understand how my attention to my thoughts can help me. 
  4. Habit - Two-Sidedness: Part of me thinks I need to recognize the 'negatives' of how I think and act in order to reframe them. Another part of me thinks that seeing things I usually like about myself as negative has added to my difficulties as of late. The 'negative' v. 'positive' of this reminds me I of mainstay of Chinese philosophy 'Yin & Yang,' but I'm beginning to think there is a third space (or maybe fourth and fifth spaces and beyond, too). As much as we often want it to be, it seems life is rarely ever as uncomplicated as 'This bad, this good,' or even 'Sometimes this bad, sometimes this good.' Perhaps the tendencies and habits that are part of what make a person who they are manifest differently at different times in life, in response to different challenges and excitements. It seems that what is necessary to accessing these third, fourth, fifth spaces is having enough psychological flexibility to accept and respond to WHAT IS. Not 'What was supposed to be' or 'What I wanted it to be,' WHAT IS. Perhaps the two sides here are not 'the only two ways a situation can unfold - how I expected v. anything else,' but whether or not WHAT IS will be accepted in order to move to responsiveness based in calm self-trust.
  5. Habit - Thinking Forward: When thinking through something, I tend to move very quickly from what is happening in the present to what could happen, a practice in which I tend to let fear of negative future outcomes take the fore. I've experienced this over and over again, with a specific example being fear that one night of difficult sleep for Niko will turn into him not sleeping well from there on out. While this fear has yet to manifest, something Kris reminds me of frequently when he's trying to help, it just keeps coming, in this example and with many others. Once again, I think I need to lean into developing more 'psychological flexibility,' a concept I came across when learning more about 'Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (upon suggestion of the therapist with whom I've been talking). I believe being able to accept what is will help me figure out how to commit my tendency to Think Forward toward flexible plans rather than fears.
  6. Habit - Considering Long-Term Affects: Related to the above discussion is my tendency to assume - when considering the long-haul - that things I am fearing will become permanent when they haven't even happened! Take the example of when Niko has a tough night's sleep. Not only do I think forward to it becoming a pattern, I tend to assume that the pattern will be permanent! Not helpful. That said, I do think part of how I've been able to live a conscientious life is my tendency to consider the long(er)-term affects of my actions, both on me and on others. I think this tendency can be committed toward good in my life if I focus on it generating thoughtfulness rather than fear.
  7. Habit - Taking Everything Seriously: While I consider myself a joyful, fun-loving and funny person, I take most of what comes at me and what I do very seriously (even the creation of joy and fun - perhaps because much of my work, which I take seriously because I want others to do so too - involves the creation of joy and fun). This tendency has made building, much less maintaining, a much-needed sense of levity hard for me, but it has also been part of what has allowed me to accomplish a lot of things of which I'm proud! Writing my first exclamation point within the body of this post feels like a little levity. I feel that encouraging myself to feel more levity - about everything, really - would work wonders in my ability to build that psychological flexibility I've been talking about. In other words, if I take what comes at me a little less seriously, I believe I will be less likely to see each thing that goes differently than I expected as potential for a permanent crisis. Doing so would leave more room for seriousness surrounding things that might actually yield significant consequences. 

So, there it is. My "Seven Habits of a 'Highly-Effective' Erinn." It's felt really difficult but encouraging to identify and assess these tendencies, taking them from things I like about myself to things that are causing me pain to understanding that these are things that will likely continue to hinder and help me. The encouraging part is that the more I understand and accept these things, the more likely I am to be able to direct them toward the later. 

I do have fear that getting help might be making things worse, or creating problems I don't really have: I've never been more down on myself since starting therapy and appointments with a sleep specialist. I feeling like I still LOVE myself, as I always have, but that I don't LIKE myself right now. I HONESTLY don't feel that anyone else struggling with aspects of their mental health is weak, but I tend to think that way about myself. Despite evidence that my current experience of anxiety has manifested due to the hormonal change of having my IUD taken out, I'm having a hard time letting go of the belief that the anxiety first I experienced two years ago while breastfeeding Niko hasn't gone away but I've been muscling my way through it until now - leaving me to think that I should be able to just keep doing that. Regardless of the why, between the near-constant tightness in my chest, crying to hysteria more often than I'd like and lack of reliable, quality sleep, I DO LOVE and DON'T LIKE myself right now, and that's why I'm getting help. I'm starting to recognize the fears at the root of this as what they are - fears, not reality - and I'm committed to working my way past those fears and toward seeing my 'seven habits' not as 'problems to be fixed' but 'tendencies to reframe.'

And now feels like the right time. It HAS to be the right time. Emergent anxiety has broken my sleep! It is helpful to remember that I have help with the day-to-day and grant writing for Rhythmically Speaking for the first time, which has helped to ease up what has previously felt, mostly, like manageable commitments. I actually DON'T feel all that stressed or overextended, a state of being I have come, since finishing grad school I think, to not prize. While this may be part of why I have felt confused about why anxiety hit now, it might also be part of why this is the juncture at which things I haven't known are packed away are begging to be unpacked.

I DO LOVE myself. I think - or at least I have thought before - that I'm pretty fucking rad. And I know I can think that again. It's already starting. So for now, I will say thank you for reading (assuming anyone does!), state that if any of this resonated with you that you can and will like yourself again too. 

With that, I will wrap this up, post it, enjoy some down time and pop a Benadryl before bed. Because yes it's getting me to sleep in the short-term, yes getting several nights of solid sleep in a row will help me with ALL OF THIS, no it is not habit-forming and yes it's ok to take night after night if need be say both the sleep psychologist and family-doc-dad, and no it does not have to become permanent! G'nite :)

Friday, May 17, 2024

Imagining Beyond and/ or Within

I got on a walk this morning. First one in a long time that I didn't feel I needed to cap the length of. It felt really good to stroll where in my neighborhood I felt like going, and for as long as I felt like. When I get on these kinds of strolls - ok, it's about to get REALLY nerdy for a moment - I often find myself thinking of a line from the season five villain of Buffy (her name was Glory, and she was stuck on earth from another universe entirely): "I could crap a better existence than this!"

Wait, WHAT? How did this musing on a glorious, late Spring/ early Summer walk, perfumed by flowering bushes and lit by burgeoning morning sunshine take a turn like THIS?

It's because the context of that humorous line is this: it pops into my head because I get thinking about how truly wonderful our human existence can be. This might sound Pollyanna, but when I look up into the big, old trees in my neighborhood and see the sunshine file through, smell the Spring smells and feel my heart pump subtly as I put one foot in front of the other, I can't help but feel grateful for being a person treading around this Earth.

This morning, this familiar chain of thought lead me to one that was new for me: I got thinking about how my imagination/ creative impulses imagine WITHIN the human experience rather than beyond it. While I don't necessarily think this is either/ or for the creativity of folks, I DO think that I tend toward expression inspired by, pondering upon and imagining what real humans do on the planet we have. While I LOVE works of art/ creativity that imagine other creatures and worlds, it is not what comes out of me.

Perhaps this is in-part rooted in my chosen artistic medium - dance - as it's base material is human bodies - people. That's not to say that there are not dance creators who develop very whimsical and non-human things - I know several personally who do. I think it's just powerful for me to realize that what really gets me going to create is what I KNOW, not what I imagine BEYOND. Another 'it's not to say': that it's NOT a part of the human experience to imagine. I think I just like to imagine WITHIN the world I know :)

Imagining within.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


It's been a mighty long time since I've written in this space. Dishabituation?!

Most of my writing has been in my handwritten personal journal, and it's been happening 1-3 times per week at BEST! Habituation?

What got me here today is the Disahabituation of being in a new-to-me place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I’m here doing an artist residency program with like-minded jazz dance artist Kathleen Doherty and her company Votive Dance. It's definitely the furthest East I've been in Canada (and really, I don't think you can get much further East here!). It definitely has that East Coast vibe, reminds me a lot of the time I've spent in Newport, Rhode Island. Except maybe a little less "old money everywhere" and a little more "liberal, look out for everyone Canadian." 

I'm kind of giggling to myself as I sit on the 5th floor of the Halifax Central Library, looking out into a bay off the Atlantic Ocean and thinking "NOVA SCOTIA GO WING WANG WA!"

Somehow, my brother and I, when he was 12ish and I was 9ish, got going saying random syllables with Eastern Canadian Provences (as you do in your youth), and the ones that stuck were that and New Brunswick (which, by the way, goes "WING WANG CHA!").

Man, this one is starting off silly. I guess I just thought it important to provide a little backstory as to the presence of Nova Scotia in my life prior to my visit :)

But Dishabituation! Really! I read an article recently about how the process of interrupting our habits is actually key to happiness, and how travel in specific really does this for us. Apparently it IS diminishing returns - studies have shown that the joy found in the dishabituation of traveling peaks at hour 43, meaning lots of short little trips might serve us better than fewer big, long ones (damn, our strategy is usually the later). With this particular trip being part work, part play, I don't think I've felt the peak yet. I am still really enjoying this shift-up in my everyday. While I'm NOT enjoying the 'being away from Niko and Kris' part, it has felt worth dealing with the missing them to be able to shake up my norm. 

I suppose that is one of the inherent joys of artist residencies - separating oneself from the day to day in order to make space for shifted perspectives, different ways of thinking, appreciation for what usually is . . .

Anyway. I've been quite taken with it here. Much of it is just that it’s fantastically cool! Surely a portion of it is just being somewhere, anywhere, new. I remember my brother raving over every new place we'd visit on family trips, making fun of him for his enthusiasm for anything different! To this day, he is still this way, and I think it's very related to this 'Dishabituation' thing: perhaps he has just inherently understood this :) 

I think I perhaps saw it as idealizing the different, which is easy to do. We get sucked into our habits, and that can make anything that isn't the norm seem spectacular. But I think that is just what this 'Dishabituation' thing is getting at: experiencing new-to-us things reinvigorates our desire to find new - or at least refreshed - insights into and within our own norms. 

I think this is something the kids call 'romanticizing your life.' Whatever you call it, it's a good time.

I've enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and eating different foods (lots of seafood) and seeing what they carry in different grocery stores and looking at the ocean and going on ferries and walking the roads of an unfamiliar city and dancing in new spaces with new people. The slower pace/ release of day-to-day pressure certainly doesn't hurt.

Annnnd on that note, I have once again misunderstood the schedule - we start rehearsal at 12, not 12:30! I better get some things written down and get over there!


Saturday, December 30, 2023

New Year Intention/s: 2023 Into 2024



The first is the main idea I'd like to keep simmering on the back-burner of my mind for 2024, and underneath are two additional concepts, all of which I think will help me in being who I want to be during the coming new year and beyond. I will also bottom-line-on-top what I've light-heartedly come to label the Erinn Kellie Liebhard OS (Operating System :)), and further explain below why I've opted to do so, as well as more about the above guiding concepts:

Consciousness | Love | Vitality | Purpose 

Kindness | Simplicity | Curiosity | Creativity 

Reflection | Connection | Movement | Food | Outdoors | Aesthetics

. . .

Thursday, June 15, 2023

"The Simple Pleasures"

There it is.

That word again.


"The Simple Pleasures."

I've been thinking a lot lately about how Niko coming onto the scene has really enhanced this sense of actively appreciating "the simple pleasures" in life.

The feel of the gas below my feet (or bum!). The breeze. Going for a walk. Going to the library.

It's almost as if the limitations created by having a kiddo to care for have opened up a world in which doing less is acceptable.

Ok, arguably having kiddo around doesn't have me "doing less" in every sense of that phrase. I am/ we are putting to bed, waking up, brushing teeth, lotioning, putting on whatever cream should be combating his eczema NOW, changing diapers, preparing and feeding meals, playing, bathing and doing whatever other kittle kid care and engagement is required for an 18 month old.

All of that said, my feeling of myself "doing less" remains, and not in a bad way!

Today, I will have done all that. Beyond that, 'all I'll really have done' was take a lovely trip to the library, during nap time watered the plants, cut my finger nails, a little meal prep and cooking and this writing, whatever we (Niko and I) get up to this afternoon (maybe a walk and a little playground time), plus dinner and bedtime. Surely I will do something after that - maybe watch a little TV with Kris, put together a new outdoor umbrella we ordered, or read.

Looking up at the above paragraph, it strikes me that it's still A LOT, what I will have done today. Perhaps more what I mean is "is what I'll have done today 'Enough,' as in 'Good Enough." 

And honestly, I have a much easier time giving a resounding "YES!" to that question than I ever expected I would. And this is what I mean by simple pleasures.

Nothing in the 'what I'll have done today' paragraph is extraordinary.

Does it need to be?

I think I am just feeling really grateful for the various zoom-outs with which Niko's presence has asked me to engage. It feels so good to lean into the whittle-down. We get up. We eat. We play. We eat again. I do some things I'd like to do - like cook and write - while he naps. We play again. We eat again. He goes to bed, and I connect with Kris or a friend, or take a dance class, catch a dance show or relax. That's what Tu/ Th are often like.

That's to say that all the above writing does not necessarily address what my life is like on M/ W/ F, and often Saturday and Sunday. About half the time, Saturday and Sunday are also like that. Sometimes they are not, because Kris and I work weird jobs. I am ok with it. In fact, I love it. Knowing most Tu/ Th will be like what I described above is part of what is allowing me to manage when the weekends are not weekends. And going hard on M/ W/ F.

I think I have, surprisingly, felt more balance than I have for a very long time, since mixing into my life paling around with my Niko love. Along with that has come a surprisingly-sizable-to-me amount of space for simple pleasures.

Like writing this while he naps :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fuck Your Stanley Tumbler

And also your plants.

I know. I came out hard and fast with this one.

This post probably should have been titled “An Anti-Love Letter From an Elder Millennial to Gen Z,” but it would still be harder than I intend. And too generalized.

We all know we cannot sum up an entire age band of people within a set of tidy assumptions (right, we know this?!), I'm just trying to be funny. Kind of (did it work?!).

Seriously though, as a person with a bit of a YouTube habit (I say a bit because I keep it under control!), I find myself hyper-amused by the shit younger folks seem to need - or at least what the YouTuber stereotypes are. And specifically how those stereotypes fan their way back out into real life.

I see this a lot in the seeming obsession with plants in younger folks. That said, perhaps this is a 38-year-old tapping into her curmudgeonly side, getting testy because she herself cannot seem to keep the most robust of houseplants alive! Perhaps it's a good thing that this is a younger-person-fad I don't really want to get into. I am perfectly happy with my three long-term houseplants I think I water once every few weeks (even less than I did before kiddo came onto the scene), and my handful of potted outdoor plants that demonstrate the minimum modicum of annual landscape care I've come to expect from myself.

But, ah, the Stanley Tumbler. WHY?! As someone who owns two Hydroflasks (a cute, squat yellow one for my coffee and a larger white one for my water), the 'it beverage containers' (geez, that's a THING?) of five years ago, perhaps I don't get the right to ask this question. But really, I purchased them sheerly out of functional desires, I promise! 

This Stanley Tumbler thing is large. It's ugly. It doesn't seem real functional, at least for MY purposes. But hey, to each their own? I would say it just surprises me the amount of cash people will drop on this shit, but the person writing this is the same person who happily drops $120.00 on a pair of athleisure pants (again, purely functional, I promise!). 

As it turns out, this is just another ramble that affirms the age-old truth that we all indeed live our own lives. I think I just find it amazing that in todays seemingly more and more culturally hegemonic world, we all seem to want to own the same shit to express 'who we are.'

Has it always been thus? I guess all I can do is live a little longer, and a little longer, and keep noticing what I notice to try to get to the bottom of this and other questions.

Will I ever? I sort of doubt it.

Is that totally magical?

Yes. Totally :)

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Smell of Simple

The smell of simple.

In this month of May (which I deem 'Bonus Month,' as it's that extra-feeling sweet-spot between Spring and Summer), I often find myself really enjoying the smells I'm experiencing when I'm out on walks. It could be because they - the flowering trees and bushes, sunshine beating down on the ground, wet dirt - are just objectively pleasant. I don't think it's just that.

I correlate these smells with my youth, and that imbues them with the best kind of nostalgia - the kind that surfaces memories and therein feelings of life being just . . . simple.

I recognize that this is not a universal experience - life is not always as simple for children as it ideally should and could be. I'm fortunate enough to say that my experience of childhood was simple in all the best ways, at least the way I remember it!

I remember rolling around in wet dirt with my brother and painting spots of it onto him and saying he was a cow. I would say 'Hey, we were just weird,' but there should be plenty of space for such behavior to be considered normal for a kid! I remember the sounds of the Spring bugs lulling me to sleep and wake. I remember warm Summer days in my room, running a fan and my pre-teeny-bop music and contemplating the next way I'd rearrange my room (for the third time that month :)). 

These memories are certainly not all smell related. In fact, some are very sound and touch oriented. But smell was what got me going on this track this morning. On my long and leisurely walk through our neighborhood and beyond this morning (thank you Kris!), I found myself really enjoying my sense of smell, and noticing how what I was smelling seemed just like what I recall smelling in late Spring/ early Summers of my youth. So how does 'Simple' come in? A couple ways.

First, I think my mind registers these smells to a feeling of 'Simple,' and perhaps carefree, because the first times in my life I was really noticing and registering these smells were times in which I had less to worry about. Less to think about. Less responsibility. 

I don't think I mean to frame this as BETTER necessarily. I LOVE the senses of knowledge, curiosity, responsibility that have continued to grow as I've gained life experience. I think I just mean to say that same sense of 'Simple' can perhaps be found, in its own ways, in  any stage of life.

To have responsibilities does not mean you have to WORRY. To have knowledge does not mean you must try to know ALL. To be curious does not mean you have to follow EVERY curiosity that edges in. I think 'Simple' applies here because it's a helpful guide to putting your energies toward the responsibilities, curiosities and ways of knowing that MATTER MOST to YOU.

There is a certain comfort in knowing that no one can know all. In this way, there is certainly levity to wondering about something, and then letting that wonder pass without deeper pursuit. For example, this morning on my walk I found myself curious about what it would be like to watch birds more carefully. To be a birdwatcher! Shortly after that, I found myself appreciating that curiosity and the people that choose to follow it, and then letting it blow away in the gentle wind. I know that my time is a limited resource, and that I'd rather spend it going on walks that let my mind wander (toward thoughts like this!), rather than walks that are focused on appreciating birds, even though those would probably be lovely!

That's the 'Simple' in it. Do I sometimes find myself longing for those 'simpler times?' Perhaps. But when I dig deeper into those thoughts, I find that I don't want to be 5, 10 or 15 again. I just want the feelings of simplicity that came with those times. And I do experience those feelings, in their own 38-year-old ways, because I am conscious and consistent in my desire for and work to cultivate them. It's why I carve out time to go on said walks and do this writing.

I will say that a thing I don't quite have down yet, and wish to, is the ability to experience these smells and have the requisite thoughts they generate - those daydreams of 'simpler times' to take up only a brief time within my mindspace after they arrive, in favor of leaving the rest of the real estate to the present. If I haven't written about this exact topic before, I know I've at least thought about it many times. And every time, it takes me all this processing to arrive to what I did above and will say in fewer words now: 

Nostalgia for 'simpler times' is an excellent reminder to appreciate what was and evaluate and action upon what you want now and later. 

She can be concise. When she wants :). I've never claimed this blog space to be a place in which conciseness is my main aim! 

If I were to revise that statement to include the desire I just articulated, I might say:

Nostalgia for 'simpler times' is an excellent reminder to briefly appreciate what was, and to then invest some time into evaluating and actioning upon what you want now and later. 

I think that's the first thought of the three big ones from my walk, summed. Now, quickly, to the others.

"Benefit of the doubt." Another concept I'm near positive I've written about before (or at least thought about many times). I'm not quite sure the etymology of that statement, but regardless, feel it doesn't read and hear as positive as I believe it means to. From my itty bitty just now internet research, it seems its got origins in English and American legal practices, which makes sense - innocent until proven guilty and whatnot. I just think it has a negative tone, almost as if it's framed around needing to doubt, or around guilt as the natural presumption for everything. I think I'm realizing this thought process all goes back to my Belief in 'Kindness.' 

In the sort of situations in which 'benefit of the doubt' would be applied (and in general, I suppose!), I wish to apply 'Kindness,' not 'Hey, maybe they are NOT guilty.' Just last night, I saw a diaper sitting on the concrete base of a lamp post in one of the parking lots we walk through to get to the Saints stadium. I pointed it out to Kris and said something like "Geez! Who would do that?!," to which he responded something like "Erinn, not everything happens with poor intentions." Hearing him say that made me feel embarrassed that my brain had gone directly to presuming ill will.

I think it must be easy for humans to default to these ways of thinking, and that it is harder, more conscious work to actively pursue thought processes framed around kindness, and presuming positive intentions rather than negative. I think this is the kind of thought-practice that is worth the extra bit of thought-work it takes, as its result is felt (and in that way, tangible) positivity that can and does ripple out. Just thinking about what an impact this would make if all humans had the space and made the choice to think this way gives me goosebumps. 

From both privilege and work, I have the space, and I am trying my best to make the choice. I'm glad I have people around me who remind me to keep doing it when I err, as I am indeed human :)

Another topic that sprung to mind during my walk this morning that I want to unpack: "You're a young country." This idea came up in an article I was reading this week (I want to say it was a clothing style article?!), and it has really gotten me thinking. In the grand scheme, in the 'it's all relative' of it all (another thing I got thinking about this morning), we ARE. While enough time has passed for us to have collectively, throughout our history, done some egregious and amazing things, not enough time has passed for us to be able to measure our history in the same way as say Croatia or Greece. Pondering this provides me some comfort in a time in which it feels like "the greatest country in the world" (like, why do we even need to think and say that? It's NOT a contest) is struggling with how to grow toward a 'more perfect union.' In the grand scheme, maybe we just need some more time. And maybe we need to be less obsessed with 'being the best,' in favor of moving toward that 'more perfect union.'

I so appreciate that phrase, because saying 'more perfect' implies that perfection will never be reached, but that we can try, and that we should. A 'more perfect union' is one that actively makes space for everyone to be supported and appreciated. I believe, I have to believe, I wish we all would believe, that damn near EVERYONE is DOING THEIR BEST. If we all really believed that, I think we'd collectively find it simpler to help everyone along the way to that 'more perfect union.'

While I didn't seek out to 'America' my reflections this morning, I am grateful they went there on this Memorial Day. If we have to keep dealing in bodies, and it seems we do, moving beyond just 'feeling grateful' for the sacrifices of our countrypeople who have been lost to war requires that we ALL ACTIVELY work on ourselves as individuals, as much as our time and energy allows, to really seek out that 'more perfect union.' We cannot leave it up to lawmakers to solve it on just the larger scale. Our small-scale, every day matters. And I always begin where I can with immediacy. My me. Here we've come, right back around to leading with Kindness, and asking oneself to let that develop beyond.

Ok, one last small thought before I close up for the day: WHY is it that I reflect with writing on a regular basis, not movement? I think it's perhaps because writing, for me, requires only time, energy and focus (only, ha!). I often find myself thinking that 'Movement' reflection (or creation of output, I suppose) requires other bodies and studio space (and eventually, somewhere other people can watch it)? I think I'm realizing that it's about mindset (as so much often is): I see my writing as Reflection, not creative output for others to take in. Perhaps if I made space for movement to be that too, as I did during the height of the pandemic, I would find myself moving for reflection. 

I do find this here and there - I found it in the Improv class I took on Wednesday, but I do think I desire for it to be a more regular thing. So here I go, doing it. Down to the basement to action on this.

Simple :)