Sunday, December 22, 2019

Preparing for NYI

This post serves as preparation for moving through my New Years Intentions process closer to New Years Eve itself. 

Item for Fun: "How to Reset Your Life" from Becoming Minimalist

1. Look hard at your spending.
2. Consider your time commitments.
3. Question your work.
4. Check your motivations.
5. Evaluate your relationships.
6. Be honest about your habits.

New Years Intentions Process

I think that this year, I'm going to use my 'mission of sorts' as a guidepost for assessing the past year and setting intentions for the next. My 'mission of sorts,' as it stands:

Vitality & Purpose through Curiosity & Simplicity

I think I'm excited by the idea that I've been doing this for so long that themes have emerged and do not/ need to change every year. Perhaps the focus/es I give the themes shift slightly from year to year depending upon what I uncover when revisiting the past one, but I feel pretty confident that the themes themselves are here to stay (albeit with some potential tweaking) to stay! In fact, arriving to the above guiding statement has happened just in the past year, as its not what I had ended up with at New Years last year. That was the following:

New Year Intentions 2019

WHY --> HOW --> WHAT
Vitality Presence Growth-Inspiration
Purpose Simplicity-Complexity Relationship-Creation
Contribution Embodiment Danced-Contribution . . .

Practice kindness
Embrace noticing as the path to gratitude (Cain)
Value the complexity-simplicity continuum as the beautiful human puzzle
Expect undulation of commitment level and change in conditions (ex: balancing RS & freelancing)
Protect the time before 9:30am
Label where & when on writings
Expand yourself for wellness, joy and growth: daily physicality outside career (class, tap-yoga-circuits)
cook often
reading, podcasts and videos on topics of interest
connection with loved ones
social dancing (Dance Church, swing, Sun sessions)
live music (buy tickets ahead)
camp three times
Write and post reactions to live music and dance shows
Donate 1% of income

I do still really like what I'd now consider the 'ideas for manifesting' that I included, but wouldn't consider them actual 'intentions.' I think the intention is the guiding statement, I thing I'm excited to keep consistent. I'm also excited to check in on these 'ways of manifesting,' to figure out what was served, what is useful to carry forward and what potential new ways I might forge.

So here's the (slightly modified) process (see last year's NYE entries for the complete original process):
  1. Priming writing: write a little bit about where you are at the moment.
  2. Revisit previous year’s intentions: compare how active you were with them as measures of manifesting your mission (listed above for easy-access)
  3. Review past year’s personal writings: with an eye toward themes of progress and opportunity related to your mission
  4. This year reflection questions: guided by what you uncovered in the previous step, answer the following - What did you experience this year? How did you progress toward your mission? What are opportunities for progress toward your mission?
  5. Next year reflection questions: guided by what you uncovered in steps 3 and 4, answer the following - What do you want to experience next year? What continued and new themes of opportunity emerged in your writings from the year that could use some of your focus? 
  6. Framing your intentions: examine your writings from step 5, and format them into prompts that will help you manifest your mission while moving you toward desirejd experiences.
Some initial thoughts:

People: helping, connecting with
Health: sleep quality and amount, diet, movement-dance!

People: helping

Food: cooking, learning about policy
Adventure: work and pleasure travel, time in nature
Style: in clothing, in moving self through the world


I think I'm more than ready to dive into all this when the time comes!

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