Monday, December 30, 2019

NY 2020 Ideas for Guiding Intentions

I'm adding this intermediary post because I'm really on the fence about whether or not to be this specific with my 'intentions.' Several of these don't even feel worth writing out because they are things I've internalized and really am already practicing, but in a way, it still feels worth it to be able to see them in writing somewhere. So here they are:

Visit MN state parks

Fly your kite

Experience some state-side travel (Vegas and Austin, Seattle or Boundary Waters)

Invite dear ones into existent action (Dance Church, seeing shows, etc.)

Do short, solo drop-ins for social dance outings if that's what'll get you there!

Integrate reading into nighttime routine

Encourage a "I only feel like I'm really working when I'm DANCING" mindset

Fit 2-3 dance classes in per week when not in rehearsal (tap, African, hip hop, modern)

Maintain a cardio and weight training schedule of 3 times per week

Continue exploring my aesthetic interests in groove, interaction and improvisation-driven jazz through creation of classes, workshops, dances (+ productions) and writings

Use writing to keep documenting artistic research and emergent unique perspectives (ex: how modern dance plays in, ideas about jazz improv)

Explore both creation of new creative work and touring existent work

Submit one new and casual grant or foundation app for RS per month

Cultivate at least one regular higher ed class to teach in the Twin Cities area

Develop two out-of-town residency opportunities

Continue learning how to manage your own expectations

All of this written, I'm really desiring to check in on a simpler framework in my quarterly check-ins, so I've separated that as my final post.

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