Sunday, September 27, 2020

In/ Out

 In/ Out

Out/ In?

In/ Out.

Breathe. Water. Food. Ideas. Relationships. Art.

Got thinking again this morning about creativity. What defines it? Who does it belong to? So often, 'creativity' is positioned as within the realm/s of art and design (and perhaps culinary circles). I often find myself stuck thinking 'creativity' means creating art. That's simply not the case, yeah?

Input/ Output.

I've thought a lot about that concept within the last several years, and I'm really coming to believe it cannot be a 'chicken or the egg?' concept: without that breathe and water and food, how would the body be able to function well enough to create ideas?

There is a rampant beauty in the release of 'creativity' from the grip of art, let loose into every other aspect of how the world turns, and more importantly, how that turning is perceived. It is my own challenge that creativity, for me, has been held in such bounds. Disruption of this opens me up to perceiving the turning and churning and twirling in the creation of nourishing meals from whatever is in the cupboards that nourish relationships that nourish people that nourish communities that nourish the planet, out into the damn stars.


Deep breaths.

Input/ Output.

In/ Out

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