Monday, June 22, 2020

Intersection Dissection

Intersection dissection low-grade stress.


Imagining the daily, high-grade stress of those whose walks in life are different than mine.

Grounding to the present, hopping forward to the future, trying to ground in the present again, with that not even working to disrupt

intersection dissection low-grade stress.

I heard 'stress' defined on a podcast the other day as something like 'having issues to deal with but not the resources to deal with them.' That really stuck with me. Regardless of WHY one does not have the resources, in the moment when the issue hits, they simply don't have them. Sort of like, regardless of WHY someone is feeling as they are, they are feeling that way. Should resource attainment be worked on? Yes. Should understanding and regulating (not sure that's the right word) one's feelings be worked on? Yes. In the mean time, do the lack of resources and feelings still exist? YES.

Intersection dissection low-grade stress.

I've often found myself explaining to friends, when I find myself within stress, that part of why it is difficult for me is that I'm fortunate enough to not feel it all that often, so when it does happen, it's hard for me. A couple things here - I've said fortunate, because shifting my feelings to manifest in ways other than stress is something I've been working on for a long time. That said, I'm realizing how important it is for this to be another place where my understanding of privilege intersects. Generally, my stress has come from instances of over-scheduling and trying, within that, to deliver. These days, much of my stress is coming from uncertainty and discomfort in all the many forms that I'm discovering a pandemic and civil unrest can create.

Uncertainty and discomfort. Feelings that create what can feel like out-size stress for me because I've had the privilege of not being faced with either a whole lot on a daily basis until now. 

Shifting my understanding of my own experience of stress to note that when it happens, it's often hard for me to deal with because I am fortunate and privileged to not have to feel it all that often.

Trying to discern how to 'sit with the stress,' as it were, to acknowledge it, dissect why it is here, and ask it what it can do for me, and in turn, others. I'm trying to ask it to help keep me motivated to ask WHY I get to feel less stress than a lot of folks on this planet, and HOW I can help change that.

None the less, it feels.

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